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The transitional housing projects launched by the HKSAR Government since 2017 aimed primarily to provide quick and short-term accommodation to alleviate the acute housing shortage problem. With the deep involvement of many NGOs in project formulation and implementation, more than providing decent housing accommodation to the tenants, these projects have created many liveable communities treasured by their tenants. Each transitional housing projects is indeed a social experiment of community making.

This social innovation symposium, would bring together cross-sectoral stakeholders who have contributed to this community making experiment to summarise the experience, share the joys and challenges of the process, and foster conscious and proactive efforts in making liveable communities in Hong Kong.

Details of Symposium
Date | 2024.04.27 (SAT)
Time | 09:30am – 12:30pm
Venue | V322, Jockey Club Innovation Tower (Block V), PolyU (Campus Map)
Language | Cantonese
Fee | Free of Charge
Registration Deadline | 2024.04.22, 11:59pm
Delivery Mode | In-person at PolyU


Keynote Speakers

Stakeholder Engagement

Roundtable Discussion (1) - The Key to Successful Community Making

The successful construction of transitional social housing has created a liveable community that residents love. The panellists will discuss their experiences in operating transitional housing projects and share their insights on the key elements of community making during this panel discussion.

Moderator: Prof. LING Kar-kan, SBS 


 Ms Florence CHENG Kit ching   Mr Johnny IP
Community-led Transitional Housing in Stanley - A Square   Yan Chai Residence (Tsuen Wan)

Ms Florence CHENG Kit-ching

Executive Director

Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association 


Mr Johnny IP

Manager (Youth & Child Care Services)

Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department

 Ms Jennie CHUI   Dr Juanita LAI Wai man

Tenacity Residence 

(Cheung Sha Wan)


Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village

(Yuen Long)

Ms Jennie CHUI

Community Organiser

Society for Community Organization



Dr Juanita LAI Wai-wan

Senior Organisation Development and

Dental Service Controller

Pok Oi Hospital Board Office


Roundtable Discussion (2) - Public Private Partnership + Community Collaboration

The transitional housing project has created a new model of "Public Private Partnership + Community Collaboration." The panelists will share their experiences in promoting transitional housing projects through cross-sectoral cooperation and discuss the implications of this new collaborative model for housing development in Hong Kong.

Moderator: Mr Victor TAI Sheung-shing, JP


 Ms Alice LAU Oi sze MH    Mrs Patricia LAU

 The Lok Sin Tong

Benevolent Society Kowloon

Ms Alice LAU Oi-sze, MH

Chief Executive 

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui

Welfare Council Ltd. 

Mrs Patricia LAU

Chief Executive Officer

Ms Rebecca WONG Shun wun    Mr Augustine WONG Ho ming JP

Sun Hung Kai Real Estate

Agency Ltd. 

Ms Rebecca WONG Shun-wun

Planning Director

Henderson Land Development

Company Ltd.

Mr Augustine WONG Ho-ming, JP

Executive Director



Email | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel | 3400 8250 / 3400 2823


View More Season 17: Making a Community-based Hong Kong - Experience and Experiment of the Community Making in Transitional Housing Projects (2024.04.27)